Our Partners

Special Thanks

WUFAW continues to sponsor province missions and Pagoda Thursdays (Phnom Penh and Kampot). PPAWS conducts monthly Province missions around Cambodia to provide free treatments to those without access to a veterinarian. Kampot’s desexing program allows for the desexing of strays, and for those who cannot afford the service to access it for free. 

Thank you WUFAW for continuing to support PPAWS!


Edgard Cooper Foundation continues to sponsor our Free Monday Initiative in Phnom Penh and our bi-monthly Free Tuesday Initiative in Kampot.

Thanks to the Edgard Cooper Foundation, we were able to update our dog shelter area and add a new isolation ward. This has greatly improved our ability to care for our in-hospital patients. Edgard Cooper is also supporting the ongoing expansion at our Kampot clinic.
